Action: We will support our local foodbank. We will invite a representative to come in and talk about the work of the food bank and have children help deliver our donations to see it in action.
Action: As a whole school we will fundraise for Cafod and take part in their campaigns.
Action: We will organise for the Choir to sing carols at a local care home or hospital to share some Christmas joy.
Action: To take part in Fairtrade Fortnight
We took part in Fairtrade Fortnight by learning all about Fairtrade and making it our Mission to find products in the supermarket and encourage our families to buy that produce. We used our newsletter to add communication to parents about Fairtrade. Children have also made posters to raise awareness.
Action: In our Forest School learning we will create bug hotels, bat boxes and bird boxes to protect and encourage a range of wildlife.
Children in KS2 have been working hard creating Bug Hotels in their Forest School lessons. We think the bugs will love their VIP residences complete with water slides and activities!