
 Welcome to our wonderful school, a school where we live out our mission statement to embrace the uniqueness of each child through God’s message of love. Our unique, safe and nurturing community allows our children to learn and grow through our Catholic character, leaving our school happy, confident and well-rounded children at the end of Year 6. Our children are fantastic musicians, amazing artists, dedicated sports people, talented writers, logical mathematicians and kind friends! We are incredibly proud of our inclusive, vibrant community where we encourage everyone to work alongside one another with tolerance, respect and love.

Our Lady’s is a small, unique school accessed by lots of different surrounding villages. We are set in beautiful grounds where we embrace children learning inside and outside of the classroom. We have great team who understand the needs of each individual in our care. We strive to ensure that every child meets their God given potential both academically, spiritually and emotionally.

Our curriculum aims to challenge, inspire and motivate, so that children develop a love of lifelong learning. Our Lady’s has always maintained strong links with the families in our community and we aim to work together to provide a safe and secure environment in which our children can live, learn, laugh and love.

I feel incredibly proud to be Headteacher of such a wonderful school and to lead a team who put the children at the centre of all that we do. You are more than welcome to contact the school office if you would like to visit our fantastic school yourself.

God bless you all and best wishes.

Mrs Rachael Batson
