Pupil Leadership Teams



Hello and welcome to the Pupil Leadership Team

Here at Our Lady's, our voices are heard and valued and together we shape the teaching and learning that happens at our school. The aim of the various teams within the Pupil Leadership Team is to enable the children in our school to have the chance lead an aspect of our school life through asking questions, giving opinions and leading change. Each leadership team is supported by a linked member of staff who holds regular meetings to allow children to grow in their roles and positively contribute to our school environment and ethos.

Head Boy and Head Girl

“We are very proud to have been voted to be Head Boy and Head Girl this year. Our role is to be key ambassadors for our school by being responsible for showcasing the school from a pupil viewpoint, representing our school at events and being absolute role models to all others inside and outside the classroom.” 

Stewards of Creation

Students from across the school are given the opportunity to put themselves forward to be a ‘Steward of Creation’  each year. Our Stewards of Creation’ work with our Liturgy Leaders and adults to lead the school in its faith and to support the school and community in looking after the world that God created for us. 


The earth and all life on it are God's creation.  We are called to take care of it because it is a holy gift from God and the only place we can live.  When we make wrong or thoughtless use of the world's resources, many people suffer.  When we make good choices about how we treat other living things (people, animals, plants) we help all living things to live as God intends.  Making wise choices about the care of God's creation is called good stewardship.


Liturgy Leaders

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House Captains

At Our Lady's we have four houses, St George, St Patrick, St Andrew and St David.  All pupils at Our Lady's belong to one of these four Houses. Each House is led by two House Captains from year 6. Pupils who wish to be considered as a House Captain are invited to make an application to be a House Captain.

House Captains need to be a good role model for their peers and be a member of the school who other pupils feel they respect, trust and talk to. A key role is one of responsibility that requires House Captains to be dedicated, organised and to set a positive example to all children throughout our school.

House Captains maintain a high level of commitment throughout the year to promote school events such as open days and sports days, encourage and motivate their team as well as assist school staff. House captains have a good attitude, work hard, are resilient and encourage positive behaviour across the school. They are caring, honest organised and keen to support the whole school. They also look out for those who might need support and help those in need.