Times of the school day


8:00am - 8:45 am    Children arriving at school during these times must go to Before School Club.


8:45am - 8:55am     Children arrive and are met by a member of staff at the gate. They make their way   

                                 to the classroom.


8:55am - 9:10am     Registration (if your child is going to arrive at school after 9:30am and has a hot

                                 dinner please make sure you phone school with their dinner choice before 9:30am.

                                A leaflet with menu choices is sent home for information and details are also on the



10:30am - 10:45am  Playtime (Infant children will be provided with fruit. Junior children can bring their

                                 own snack of fruit. No sweets, crisps, cereal bard etc. please All children 

                                can register for milk.)


12:15pm - 1:15pm    Lunchtime 


3:25pm                   Hometime


3:15pm - 6:00pm     Children can attend After School Club. In addition there is a variety of after school clubs.

                               Parents are advised of finishing times at the beginning of each term.